Yes, it’s hate

I hate Mark Zuckerberg. Genuinely. What I may hate even more are all the people who have indulged this loathsome child. He’s the worst of everything that’s gone wrong in our 30 years of unfettered commercialization of a thing the US tax payers funded.

The. Internet.

I personally can’t scroll on one of his apps for more than 10-15 seconds without being told I need some kinda neck mask, some makeup that makes your skin look like it’s been Botox’d, to be proud of grey hair, to permanently find a way to make hair stop growing grey.

What. The. Actual. Fucking. Fuck. And. Fuck You.

But wait, here’s an ad for SENIORS born before 1974. WHAT?!?!

Jesus Fucking Christ.

There are no financial benefits to being this age. Maybe a discounted movie ticket TEN or more years from now.

You’d think at 56, I should be:

Dead – yes please.

Retired – uh, hello? With what money?

Working – hmm, can’t be at the top of my career game when I’ve either been a) laid off or b) passed on because of how expensive medical insurance plans are for people over 50) or c) ignored not because of youth but because I don’t have the right brands listed on my resume and last but not least d) no dick.

I’d prefer to choose door number one as listed above, given the current state of affairs. But. Barriers to checking out are too many.

All I ever wanted was to live, work, do things – mostly quietly, hopefully with a partner – like just about everyone else. Guess that was a lot to ask for.

I’m gonna end with gratitude. A handful of good friends. Check. Mostly healthy. Check. Family. Yep. But most importantly, my coordinates, the land I sit on saves me daily.