Usability people!

Forget UX and all the bullshit surrounding it. Go back to usability everyone. That’s where UX was supposed to have its core and now it’s just a couple of letters that was misunderstood to begin with but now? Holy shit. Here’s a simple example of where UX is NOT happening. Anywhere on a browser that uses multi factor authentication and doesn’t tend to the interaction details that make it easiest on users. Here is what I mean:

User goes to [insert app here – like DoorDash or Instacart or some other horrible company] and signs in using whatever username.

App send user a verification code.

User goes back to screen to insert a 4 or 6 digit code.

If the cursor is NOT in the input box where the numeric code needs to be inserted, you are NOT doing UX (or product design whatever the fuck you call it when you fuck around in Figma, export to send to dev ticket).

Does it work? Yes, it will pass your unit test. Is it useable? Yes, I can get logged in. Is it user friendly or user center4ed or any of those things? NOT AT ALL. Why? Because there is unnecessary friction between me and the thing I’m trying to log into. It’s like anything where there is a number entry field and my keyboard is still showing me all the fucking letters. NO. You are not a UX person or UXer 😡 (I hate that one almost as much as UX/UI and UI/UX🤢at this point) if you do not eat your own dogfood.

Get out of Figma. Get into the mode of delivery for your design ASAFP. If you don’t, you’re doing it fucking wrong 😈

Now go donate to Wikimedia or be sorry and ashamed you didn’t when it’s gone.

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