Take cover

Take cover! That’s what my brain told my body sometime after 1am last night. Pop pop pop. I pop pop popped into the interior hallway faster than a startled cat. Before I was awake enough to reconsider the whole situation, I peed and went back to bed. Cat came back onto the bed from his bunker underneath. This morning Reddit reminded me of the incident and confirmed it was fireworks being set off on the corner of the two closest main streets.

One thing I like about living here is the sense of community. We may not all be BBQing and drinking beer together but we’ll be looking out. Especially in my zip code. Still defiant up here on the hillside.

Take cover the bombs and the bullets, take time to heal your wounds.

Welcome to my broken car, it don’t go fast but it goes so far…

Take cover from my own bombs, my own bullets. I am not faring well in this war. The drill sergeant – JFC this guy – is terrible and takes it out on me. I’m no match for him dammit. Never really have been. The outside noise is way too much so he ends up taking over and telling me I know nothing and have nothing to offer and worse, sound like a dumb ass who has no business opening the pie hole. I bet he was even harder on my friend but I’ll never find out more, that friend died too dammit.

Take cover from the shame and the darkness, it’s time to look up, be one with stardust. The reality is, everything is fucking fine. As long as there is still money in the bank after all the bills are paid, that’s pretty much it. I do wish for a steady connection to – however menial – daily tasks that contribute to a system working better for people (aka: a job). But I do not even want to fuck with my LinkedIn or resume or website again.

Take cover in the fog, go wander in the cloud, appreciate the mist on your face, dew on flower petals and spider webs. Can’t buy that feeling. I take nothing for granted here in the 93109.