My wish for humans is to realize how small we all are. How tiny our precious planet really is and that the air we breathe should not be taken for granted. There is nowhere else for our part of the ecosystem to go. All living creatures will die, ourselves included, so why are we hastening that when all we have is this minuscule and spectacular space hurtling through all space.
It makes me sad. It makes me angry. It’s heartbreaking and utterly infuriating. Tears cloud my vision and spill onto my cheeks when I think about it. It’s almost too much to bear. To witness this insanity where (mostly) old, white men are seemingly hell bent on killing everything and I do mean EVERYTHING. I do not loathe men nor do I fault all of one gender for the destruction. Yes, here comes the but.
For all of history, all of time, the majority of the humans who have brought division, greed, war and fear mongering have overwhelmingly been of one sort.

Hearing a story of how one woman saved a river, a waterfall, a habitat, all creatures and an entire ecosystem that support humanity only reinforces this. Men – likely a very small number – were going to kill this waterfall and everything around it for their own use and profit.
She was likely hated and shunned but the waterfall, powerful and fierce as she must have been, still flows. Today it brings more dollars to many people than it ever would have if it were pent up and used for a few.
When I learn her name, I’ll make sure it gets here.
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