Truth is in the thermals

When truth is missing, is it really gone? Maybe it’s hiding somewhere in the thermals only to be seen by birds.

Rare Bird, Toad The Wet Sprocket

Hear me, wherever you are tonight.

You’d better be flying high.


Yep I’m gonna whine about bad UX again. This time it’s Substack.

It’s a double burger!

Check out this craptastico website. it has not one but two hamburger menus. They’re different sizes too. How. Why. Ok I’ll stop wondering.

Two hamburger menus. One website.

And another thing. It’d be great to be able to DO THINGS in the app. But nope. No, you cannot manage your subscription in there.

No. Can’t do that. Not in the app. But where then.

At least tell me where to go to manage my subscription. Maybe even link to it?

Sheesh. Fine. Don’t. Yes that’s sarcasm.

Stay away from the pit

The pit of despair is visible. It’s just below this rickety ass, cobbled together rope bridge. I think I’m in the middle of it. But the bridge is long and the pit, deep.

It’s tough not to think, jump. Just check it out. Maybe the water is fine. If water is what’s down there.

I’m supposed to care about things. I know that. What if I just don’t. And never will, ever again. It’s possible.

Maybe I’ve hit the pit after all.

More evidence

More evidence that no one knows how information architecture impacts stuff. Especially online stuff. I see lists of shit like this almost daily. No rhyme or reason to the order of the thing not to mention the length of the list. It’s a simple rule: 7 plus or minus 2 and it exists because humans don’t have great brains. All of us. Why are phone numbers in the United States formatted the way they are? Because in groups of 3 or 4, they’re easier to recall.

I know information architecture isn’t completely dead but as an information architect in a UX generalist and visual design world I see this failure everywhere.

Don’t believe me? Start looking at lists of things and see for yourself. Start with Tesla’s website, it’s a total failure. Maybe there was a UX pro around but it’s doubtful. And if there was someone with that or another ‘designer’ type title, they missed a huge part of the discipline.

Defiant UX

What might that mean? Defiant user experience. DUX? No. It doesn’t need a clever TLA or new name with a few letters missing. What it needs is to just happen.

If you’re someone who thinks of themselves as a UX designer, a product designer or heaven forbid, a senior product designer or worse, someone using the letters UIUX all together (or UX/UI), pause. Ask yourself why you think that.

If you’re someone who is in the business of thinking of themselves as a person who can and will advocate for the people using a system, relying on a platform, doing a complex task comprised of physical and digital interactions then you might be a UX designer. But my gut feeling is that is not the case.

UX means something to some of us.

Design means something to some of us.

It’s not about the money.

It’s not about the title.

It’s always been about the users. The people who have to use the shit other human beings build and either create by design or by default.

Defaults are usually dumb. Why? Because they’re not backed by real world user data. UX Research? Bahaha if that were a real thing I’d be able to fix my own smartphone or even better customize one. Gimme a tactile qwerty keyboard instead of this wretched touch screen and I’ll believe in UX again.

Yes, it’s hate

I hate Mark Zuckerberg. Genuinely. What I may hate even more are all the people who have indulged this loathsome child. He’s the worst of everything that’s gone wrong in our 30 years of unfettered commercialization of a thing the US tax payers funded.

The. Internet.

I personally can’t scroll on one of his apps for more than 10-15 seconds without being told I need some kinda neck mask, some makeup that makes your skin look like it’s been Botox’d, to be proud of grey hair, to permanently find a way to make hair stop growing grey.

What. The. Actual. Fucking. Fuck. And. Fuck You.

But wait, here’s an ad for SENIORS born before 1974. WHAT?!?!

Jesus Fucking Christ.

There are no financial benefits to being this age. Maybe a discounted movie ticket TEN or more years from now.

You’d think at 56, I should be:

Dead – yes please.

Retired – uh, hello? With what money?

Working – hmm, can’t be at the top of my career game when I’ve either been a) laid off or b) passed on because of how expensive medical insurance plans are for people over 50) or c) ignored not because of youth but because I don’t have the right brands listed on my resume and last but not least d) no dick.

I’d prefer to choose door number one as listed above, given the current state of affairs. But. Barriers to checking out are too many.

All I ever wanted was to live, work, do things – mostly quietly, hopefully with a partner – like just about everyone else. Guess that was a lot to ask for.

I’m gonna end with gratitude. A handful of good friends. Check. Mostly healthy. Check. Family. Yep. But most importantly, my coordinates, the land I sit on saves me daily.

Stop saying trumped-up

It’s actually been annoying me more than I’d care to admit for years. Use a fucking thesaurus. Or maybe a brain cell could come up with another way of saying it.

How about: bullshit, fabricated, invented, fake, unsubstantiated, or falsified?

And I didn’t even crack open a thesaurus website for those. Just used the old, remaining brain cell count to conjure up some alternatives.

Language matters. Words matter. The less the word trump – outside of a card game – gets used, the better off we’ll all be.

Done. Trigger warnings.

The following may contain disturbing language and discussions of suicide. Reader discretion is advised.

I’m. Fucking. Done. Can’t disappear quite yet but that is the moral of the story. I’ve. Had. Enough. Enough what? Enough of this externally imposed life bullshit.

I. Am. Grateful. Yep. I have gratitude. And I’m still fucking sick and tired of slogging through whateverthefuck this is. The good part is my view.

The views around me are spectacular. Doesn’t matter what the weather is doing. Even dense can’t see through it fog is beautiful here.

Just had a flashback to fog in the 413 area code. The smell of cow shit is all I remember.

The rain passed. The fog lifted. The islands are showing themselves off against the sparkle of late-winter light scattering off of the pacific. Maybe all three Anacapa’s are visible.

Either way. Islands or fog. If I have to do this being conscious and alive thing, this is the only place it works.

Paper lanterns

Today I kept myself entertained sane awake interested busy from thinking by making paper lanterns. Sorta – all I really did was burn gas buy stuff at Michael’s. But if putting two tea lights in small bags I poked holes in using a nail counts as making them, I’ll take it.

paper lanterns at sunset

They’re cute, pretty and I like the flicker of the fake candles. Dig the way this Hipstamatic image makes it look like my curtains are about to burn up. Kidding. No fire. LED all the way. Two per bag. One white, one ivory.

Good vibes only.

Audible – and other pathetic things

Somewhere along the line, words morphed, changed meaning and morphed some more till we ended up using nouns as verbs and then we made those verbs meaningless.

Case(s) in point: solution and vision. Both have been co-opted by whoever the fuck and are now consistently used as verbs. Solutioning. Visioning. No. Just no.

Back to what landed me here. Words. Too few or too many have also been a massive problem for the past couple decades of all out tech progress.

When I see messages like this one from Audible, I can see the evidence of huge business issues. The low ‘give a shit’ level shows here:

Audible message with lots of words

This might be called UX Writing cuz it’s 2024 but it screams of management issues. How do I know this?

A few reasons:

1. Audible has been a struggling business since Amazon acquisition. Just do a bit of searching online (aka Googling)

2. Audible’s highest level tech support has never been able to merge my accounts. There are two of them (two records, one database, have some ideas about where, how and when it got fucked up but that’s a story for a different day. IYKYK

3. Audible messages like this one:

Your title’s almost ready Give us a few seconds while we load it to your Library, then refresh the page to start listening.

What? I know people don’t read but when they do, they get confused. Rightfully. This really makes no sense to a native English speaker and is evidence that no one at audible cares enough to make it make sense.

My audible subscription will continue to go through its cycles – resubscribe, cancel, rinse repeat until either I become to broke to afford the resubscribe or when i improve my patience for certain audio titles and wait till the awesome public library system has them.

Recipe #1: democracy’s downfall

The recipe for the downfall of democracy:

Semi-equal parts highly-concentrated wealth, corporate media, outta control antisocial, and algorithm-driven internet

Heavy pinch of redirection via culture war issues

Finely chopped handful of former rights for women sprinkled on top

Using your non gas stove top, on high heat:

Add wealth, media, and algorithms via data centers strewn across the planet and low earth orbit. Heat on high till boiling then bring to a steady simmer

Add the culture war issues and stir occasionally

Simmer until Summer 2024

Serve up hot, family style

Sprinkle additional decimation to women’s rights on top for extra impact

Good luck!

Thank you, Ms. Ross

I don’t really care, I don’t wanna keep my head down, got nothin’ to share, maybe I should put my phone down. I don’t really care if everybody likes me, I just wanna love myself.

I didn’t know I needed to hear this song today. Hell, I didn’t even know the song existed but thankfully, Tracee Ellis Ross talked with Tonya Mosely on Fresh Air and it aired today.

Tracee also shared this: S.H.A.M.E.


The perfect antidote to the news cycle.

Good design is in the details

UPDATE: customer service for the company referenced provided a diagram revealing 2 small screws I overlooked. MY BAD.

Yes it’s a “duh” statement. Of course good design is in the details. I’m having one of those bad usability days because somewhere along the line, folks decided to ignore maintenance as part of the process of creating a product. (No, I’m not about to go off on Boeing. Thankfully I’ve not been touched personally by that predictable charlie foxtrot.)

White, Woozoo globe fan made by IRIS, USA
One of my (filthy) Woozoo fans

I want to talk about fans. I like to sleep with a small fan on and appreciate airflow throughout my apartment. I found this product a couple of years ago. I bought two of them. They’re great, with one BIG exception. The design ignored maintenance.

As you can imagine, after a while, a fan gets a lotta, um, crap stuck to the blades. Vacuuming does a good job early on but years of use means they MUST be cleaned.

The fucking fan is difficult, no, it’s impossible for me to clean, with only my two hands. The globe clips DO NOT RELEASE easily and I’m spare you the rest. It’s pretty mundane stuff but since I wasted a lotta energy and a couple of hours of frustration, here I am venting to the interwebs.

White Woozoo fan, label, product identication label

I loathe finding the constant evidence of our disposal mindset. It won’t ruin my day but it’s ruining the planet. I hate that IRIS USA INC would rather I spend (now) $160 to replace these fans and add mine to a dumpster. Dammit.

Dammit, I said details matter

It’s one of those days. I just saw a link and read: Coach PMS which made no sense to me, at first.

What’s a PMS coach? Why would someone become a PMS coach? Christ do the Kardashians have PMS coaches now? Here I am thinking about cramps and bloating and nausea and bleeding and things I really don’t think Greg can relate to. (Unless he’s a trans man who didn’t have the benefit of blockers, then, I apologize.)

Wait a sec. Oh, PMS, in this case, is an abbreviation for Product Managers (PMs). Guys, get a woman to look at your shit before you toss it out there.

The URL is:

Sorry to rag on this man but it’s been a lotta these for a lotta years. And yes, pun intended.


Death doula training

Next up, death. Ok sorry not funny but 100% true: no one gets out alive. It’s preposterous to think it’s 2024 and choosing how one leaves this world isn’t a simple concept or easy process. Multiple doctors questioning your sanity, decision making, feelings, wishes and all at a time when the end is near and the goal is to hasten that ending, to make it as comfortable and smooth as possible.

Do you want your loved ones last words to be “it hurts”?


But in any state in America that has finally made it legal to choose how to end your own life, they have forgotten about that final step and how difficult, painful and fraught it will be. Why make it worse by forcing a human to ingest a toxic mash that will cause them the kind of pain they’re seeking to escape?

It’s utterly ridiculous that medical professionals prefer this to something that would be administered intravenously. I genuinely do not understand. It actually makes me angry. It’s unfair and unnecessary.

Here’s what happens when someone who is in hospice has finally gone through the arduous process of planning the end of their life: they have to orally ingest 100 ground up morphine pills after already having to take other medications that are intended to help ease the process. If those meds can be administered easily via a pill then why on earth would you then force the individual to swallow something so incredibly harsh?

It feels punitive. You wanna die? G’head and do it but we’re gonna make it the worst last moments of your suffering. How the fuck is that humane.

This incredibly loving human had to justify his choices for two weeks to doctors who had very little notion of who he was and one who barely respected the decision to end his life.

I cried all day after watching the film a daughter made about her dad’s last few weeks. His last words gutted me. I can barely hold back tears when it flashes back.

It. Hurts.

To the Timoner family: your gift of Last Flight Home should be required viewing for anyone who thinks about free will. This is what freedom is about.

May Eli Timoner’s memory live on in his children and grandchildren.

Humanity needs more of this

Daniel Schmachtenberger talks. His POV collides with Tristan Harris and Center for Humane Technology. I wonder if they’ve talked. So many things overlap.

“History written by the winners turns into a naive progress narrative where the things that won get measured and all the things that get destroyed don’t. Where was the cost externalized?”

“…study some theory of mind, you won’t find a definition of consciousness that does not require the definition of attention as fundamental.”


No not the Taylor Swift album, mine. My midnights have been wide awake, slow, droning and even include the occasional earthquake.

I didn’t feel last nights tiny shake. it was pretty far north plus, different fault lines.

Midnight’s when I wake up if I’m awake. Or when I fall deeper if I’m sleeping. Lately, even TC is snoozing at midnight. And sometimes noon. Maybe it doesn’t matter. But midnights sounds better and more mysterious than middays.

At least today we’re awake and vertical at an AM hour. Not bad. Next thing to try and care about is finding work. Or a golden ticket.

Now what?

Traveling means either racing or wasting time so in Denver last week I wandered through one of those stores where you can get these socks and some water if you wanna drop $40. (At least I wasn’t sprinting for the only flight home)

Socks don’t need to advertise

Right now there’s a lot going on and nothing happening all at the same time. Maybe that’s how it always is and I try to ignore the fact that I have no real control over anything. I can control what I do, how I react to stuff but that’s about it.

For something to start happening I have to do things and I don’t want to. Refer to the sock messaging for explanation. I know I gotta but …


Some animals are so extraordinarily special, I can understand why people (with money) clone theirs. I had one such cat. Special. Not a clone.

I had her cremated when she died and have wanted to do something with her ashes that I could wear like a gemstone. But no fucking way I can afford that.

Then I found Buttercup Beads. And this beautiful, one of a kind, Trinity bead has come to life.

Thanks to Andrea Mazzenga for her thoughtful work.

Bead with ashes of my favorite kitty


My moms mom used to say god is love. Seems right. I’m not a believer in a god. No way. There is no one coming to save or smote us. We all have to find the love. Stop the fucking hate. Please. Before it’s too late.

Love. And peace.

What is productive

Productive. Productivity. Production What does any of it really mean? Does staring at the sky count? How about reading a book? Snuggling with a cat? Watching birds? Making abstract digital pics?

Whoosh. Accidentally abstract.
Sky instead of screen.
Designers must have a POV. Yes, Mike Monteiro

Not another job search

Less than 18 months and I’m staring down the dark tunnel of another job search. If the anger pinning me down could become a propellant. I sometimes can’t see the in between spaces but right now only the demoralization and inhumane bullshit are punched into focus.

What. The. Fuck. How many times am I gonna have to do this. It’s not a question. It’s an endless proposition. Every time it’s like climbing onto the Wonder Wheel long after it’s been condemned and closed for fun.

The same rickety job applications – Applicant Tracking Systems – that have to be entered into hunks of software that are painful to use, at best and at worst, can cost one some sanity and compassion.

It makes me say oooooo fuuuuck you. To the tune of some catchy, four-on-the-floor pop song. It also sends me into a dark zone in my mind I don’t dare describe.

It ain’t pretty, neither am I and I’ll be damn lucky to find a new way to make money.

What companies used to do…

…there were better times. Companies used to literally feed their employees. I love it when I can use literally in a sentence properly. (Thanks, Dad!)

“You learn a lot about someone when you share a meal together.” -Anthony Bourdain

Before the foosball tables and cold brew stations, there was real food. In 2000, I joined a consulting firm based in a renovated mansion resting quietly along the Long Island Sound in Rowayton, CT. Breakfast, lunch, snacks galore. I think we called it the Hewitt 15 – or 20 – because of the weight many of us gained. We also walked the grounds of the property so some of the calories burned away from exercise but most calories were burned because of stress. It was a high-pressure environment but I thought I’d be able to help companies adopt electronic communicatoin, the interwebs, and look at the tools people use to get their jobs done and improve them. Employee experience mattered and I thought it’d help the world. Insert eyeroll here.

I did go to business school and clearly it wasn’t to make money. I wanted to learn about management, organization behavior, development, and I wanted to learn it from Peter Drucker. Whole other story but it collided with the explosion of the web in the mid-1990’s. This was at the stage of CEO pay ratios of we could only dream of now. Drucker warned of 20:1 or 25:1 being the outer limits of sustainability for society. Didn’t take long to take away the food and any real consideration for people.

I’d like to invite The CEO who’s list I was on this time around to visit the customer of his that is in my backyard. Then, on his dime, I’d like to share a meal with him, off the record of course, tell me why you deserve all that. What is so special about the CEO role? I asked this question to my former finance professor on a Zoom thing at the Drucker School of Management in Claremont, CA. Is CEO pay justified? What would Drucker say? Prof said being Chief is a highly specialized role. A rich – no pun intended – thing for that particular guy to say to me.

What happened to that firm with the amazing food? A confluence of events, the dot com bubble freaked people out about the internet, then 9/11 happened, the company was in pre-IPO stage at the same time, the food went away, so did people, in the name of cutting costs.

And what did that finance professor learn from Drucker? The school that still pays that professor bears the Drucker name, by the way. Unfortunately, that professor and many others learned nothing.

CEO pay ratios for publicly traded companies aren’t hard to find. Get smarter. Think about it the way Drucker did. Before it’s too late. Management, practiced well, was Drucker’s bulwark against evil.

Another information architecture fail

I’m pretty sure humans are still managing sites like Poshmark. For some part anyway. Like the names of these links. Not to mention the sheet number of items in the list.

Don’t do this 👆🏻

Read anything Abby Covert has to say and she’ll tell you this is all wrong. She’ll likely be nicer than me and offer you a class or a book.

Idioms, idiots?

I just noticed that idiom and idiot are just one letter different. I’ll go back to that in a minute but for now, I want to capture a few american-isms that don’t make much sense. If you’re talking with someone who isn’t american, don’t use them and if you do, pause to describe what the fuck it means.

For example, today I said “take it with a grain of salt” to someone who is perfectly fluent in English but I could tell that the phrase didn’t land. Same thing with the phrase “take that to the bank”. Because it’s 2023, I can get instant answers to the question of phrase origin.

Take That To The Bank. It’s used when the speaker knows something for sure. According to the interwebs, it was also used in the days when one had to take a paper check to the bank and when Robert Blake was on TV in the 1970’s selling motor oil.

Take It With A Grain Of Salt. That phrase is often used when the speaker means, eh, it’s no big deal. According to Wikipedia, the origin isn’t that bland. It reads:

To take something with a “grain of salt” or “pinch of salt” is an English idiom that suggests to view something, specifically claims that may be misleading or unverified, with skepticism or to not interpret something literally.

Not quite what I thought it meant. I’ll pause on adding others because I want to go back to this idio(m) idio(t) thing.

What up with that?

Of course, like Mr. Portokalos said, the origin is Greek. They come from the same root: “idios” which in ancient Greek meant “of one’s own” or “private”. The original meaning of an idiot was someone not interested in public affairs (considered a key duty in ancient Athens and perhaps a notion we should revive in modern democracies).

Information Architecture (IA)

It’s been several years since I’ve engaged clients, students, managers and some design practitioners in meaningful conversation about the importance of IA. No, that’s NOT a typo, I’m NOT talking about AI.

Most recent ‘lack of IA’ evidence is from Lyft, Substack and Tesla.

Not likely there was anyone involved with the design of Substack’s IA
Lyft. Zero hierarchy. Lots of icons.
Last is the worst. Fuck you Tesla. I see you.

The Office

On my walk yesterday, I noticed things as usual. A Dunder Mifflin sticker, a few license plates, street signs and flowers. I stopped to smell blooms of all kinds. Said hello to a handful of other humans walking around the neighborhood.

The level of chaos and dysfunction where I work now makes me want to quit without a backup plan. I’ve done it before but I’m trying to stick it out for the money. I know it’s bullshit but I don’t feel like there are many options. It’s a privileged way to live. So I’ll be taking more walks, smelling more flowers, playing and listening to more music.

It’s tiring to have to push against the dead weight of dysfunction. I know 2+2=4 even though some would have you believe 2+2=fucking sneaker.

Yes. It’s that bad. It’s also sad because when dysfunction like this is allowed to exist not to mention fester, the good people constantly leave.

I’m going to look for a way to teach, no fucking boot camp bullshit, community college seems like it’d be a good direction. Huge pay cut. But I like helping students learn and I’ve been told I’m pretty good at it so maybe I’ll be the one leaving next.

I’d say “I hope so” but hope is just another four letter word and it sure as fuck ain’t a strategy or a tactic.

Good luck to humanity. And me.

Santa Barbara’s chalk art festival, iMadonnari

The day started with wordle. My sisters and I – them more than me – share the daily habit of doing the wordle.


Today one of them said ‘oh sounds fancy’ after sharing her solved version in our long running text thread. I asked if the word was agile. She said yes. Oh. Fucking. Agile.

I told her what it meant to me…

Agile – in the tech world – is a software development management philosophy/practice/method/style/thing and it stinks. it’s never agile let alone fancy. At it’s best – in my experience – it’s like a drunk donkey trying to make a cake.

The day ended nicely. Love the annual iMadonnari chalk art festival. Wandered around marveling at the talent, skill, patience and dedication it takes to create such amazing art.

The barrel maker
Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network

When it all feels like bullshit

Corporate is soul crushing. Didn’t have to be this way as we Claremont/Drucker folk well know. Especially publicly traded entities. At this point I’d rather work for a government agency, maybe even back to academia. No money but at least there’s less utter bullshit.

When it comes to building software, especially the stuff we need the most, shit that’s not fucking sexy, a word I despise when applied to tech, we have become so collectively dumb it’s like a bullshit bubble. Will the fucker burst or do we have to have more meltdowns like Southwest and others who have flown under the radar.

Product management is bullshit. Agile is hardly a thing. Scrum is garbage. Yes, I’m generalizing based on decades of experience. And yes, that shit can work when done properly.

Give me back the other (old?!) stuff.

Business analysis. Projects managed and led by expert generalists. Requirements documented – in words – technical, functional, architectural. Annotated wireframes. Working prototypes. Specialists – creative, design, engineering. Teams built on relationships. Culture grows around how work gets done.

Just like Drucker said ‘culture east strategy for breakfast’ but I’d also like to point out that a strategy cannot include hope as a tactic cuz all that does is create an environment without clear direction on how to accomplish much other than have a lotta movement. Might be movement in the right direction but how do you know? Drucker had one for that, too. Work on the right things at the right time. Topics for another day.


I prefer cats to people. Sorry people. Dogs and other animals are ok too. But if I could just focus on saving the kitties, I would.

Like this little girl…I’d take her in a heartbeat. Bolt. A beauty.


TC can handle it.

The Tiny Blue Cat

Another year

Starting another year without you. Such a downer. The sun will continue its usual up and down. Apple will continue to make me irritated. And I hope (uh oh there’s that four letter word) at least a few good days are on the horizon.

Sunset from Red Rose Way

At least I live here which I don’t take for granted.


I know where the pain in my neck is coming from. I joked in a text to my friend that I had iNeck or an iPhone injury or iHand or whatever. Funny not funny. I used to call the pain in my right arm and shoulder ‘mouse arm’. I don’t do as much visual design as I used to do those aches aren’t as bad anymore. But the neck – and hands – are a different story.

The fine motor skills and specific muscles that allow me to tap tap tap on a thin piece of glass while holding my head at a slight angle are astonishing. And why the fuck am I using them for this? Because it’s here. I’ve fallen into the space of solitude after tidying up living room. I picked up the dusty guitar but realized another pain coming from the big bruise on my arm right where it hits the widest part of the body of the instrument.

I knew I’d I wanted to play, I needed to take out the Taylor. As soon as I held it I wondered when this came into your life. Don, did you have this because of the decade of blood draws and IV’s?

Today nothings wrong with me. Routine blood work. I bruise easily. Not reading into it but it looks nasty and it hurts if it’s being pushed on which this guitar doesn’t do. Thank you.

But back to my neck pain. My iPhone injury. The unintended consequences. For those of us who are fully dexterous, sighted and so inclined, we can really hurt ourselves using all this technology – not just picking on Apple here – it’s a problem on every level. As I sit, about to try to wrap up this weird train of thought I see myself, as a speck of dust in the thing that makes up all of what’s connected. Everything. More than ever. And because of that, awareness, in my conscious state, I have to maintain the ability to be human without this shit. I wonder how long it’ll take before it’s too late and enough humans are more iHuman than not.

Several years ago a woman in a class I was teaching was checking in on her kids during a break. After talking to one of them she said “yeah they hardly pick up the phone but they’ll turtle around all day with the thing”. She was referring to the way a lot of us hold the device and curl onto it. Turtling. Don’t think anyone considered the consequences of a couple decades of using the body that way.

This is where we are just a month or so from 2024. Don’t become an iHuman. And hey Apple, what the fuck? Thought design was your thing.

Such a small planet

My wish for humans is to realize how small we all are. How tiny our precious planet really is and that the air we breathe should not be taken for granted. There is nowhere else for our part of the ecosystem to go. All living creatures will die, ourselves included, so why are we hastening that when all we have is this minuscule and spectacular space hurtling through all space.

It makes me sad. It makes me angry. It’s heartbreaking and utterly infuriating. Tears cloud my vision and spill onto my cheeks when I think about it. It’s almost too much to bear. To witness this insanity where (mostly) old, white men are seemingly hell bent on killing everything and I do mean EVERYTHING. I do not loathe men nor do I fault all of one gender for the destruction. Yes, here comes the but.


For all of history, all of time, the majority of the humans who have brought division, greed, war and fear mongering have overwhelmingly been of one sort.

Hearing a story of how one woman saved a river, a waterfall, a habitat, all creatures and an entire ecosystem that support humanity only reinforces this. Men – likely a very small number – were going to kill this waterfall and everything around it for their own use and profit.

She was likely hated and shunned but the waterfall, powerful and fierce as she must have been, still flows. Today it brings more dollars to many people than it ever would have if it were pent up and used for a few.

When I learn her name, I’ll make sure it gets here.

Basket case

I wonder where that phrase originated. I’ll look later. But for now I’ll just say that I was a perfect example of a basket case today. I thought it’d be fine but damn, it was not. I was not fine. Awkward, sweaty, red-eyed, disaster. Hopefully my weirdness didn’t make things any harder for anyone else.

You’d tell me to forget about all that. Presence. That’s what it was. That and a damn good reminder that getting away from the IE is one of the best things you ever did.

So long, my amazing friend. Till we meet again in the space dust

I wonder about so many things. Why that cemetery? Is your sister nearby? Would you want visitors? Did you see the beautiful box your friend made? Do you know how many people you touched? Did you know we all became kinder because of you? How the hell did you ride all those miles? And not just racing either. A leisurely from Redlands to San Clemente? How the fuck can you – of all the humans on this planet – be gone?

There was some type of bird of prey near your grave sight. It made its presence known while we were there. I heard it’s whistle-like song as soon as I got there. Yes, we started late and it ran long but did you think it’d go any other way? And that bird stuck around the whole time. I didn’t see a nest – or the bird – but it definitely watches over that space.

Sky blue and black.

I don’t know if I’ll ever go back to that part of the state. It isn’t what it once was when the air was clearer and citrus groves dominated the landscape. So much concrete, so many of the same strips of shopping. So many Teslas. So few places to plug them in.

Sometimes I still get so angry that you’re gone. You would say “toes in the sand!” or something like that. Low tide is coming so I’ll walk down to the water again. Find a spot for my toes to burrow. Enjoy it while it’s still here.