Apple makes iBloat 🫥

Apple’s added more bullshit bloat to iOS in the last handful of updates than I ever could have imagined. Is there an iMessage emoji team? Does anyone on it talk to the iMessage sticker team or is that the same team? Someone decided to add even editing editing to iMessage which I expected would happen eventually. I know more than a couple of people who have whined about wanting italics in their ‘text’ messages. I get it. So many of us use the iThings constantly that we develop our own product feature backlog.

But. That doesn’t mean the Apple product people have to make the thing have italics – and bold, underline and strike through. Why the fuck on the perfect, little planet would humans need to be able to underline in their iMessage. Notice that I do not say text. That’s because they’re not the same and it’s ok it it’s unclear what’s blue and what’s green.

And the they had to go and add effects to the iMessage. Animate a word for emphasis. Make it bounce or get bigger or smaller or even explode. Holy shit we have been missing that forfuckingever. THANK YOU Apple iMessage software product people!

If this is what kills the battery of the device faster I guess Apple wins again if winning means making a shit ton more money for a relatively small number of people. Good one, Apple. You win the toxic garbage game again. But really fucking clever of you to hide it right under the consumers thumbs.

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