If you’re someone touching the design of online privacy stuff, do not let this happen to you. This absolutely takes my breath away – and not in a #goodexperience kind of way. I *get* the intention but can anyone say over engineered? We went from giving all our data away unknowingly to giving it away out of sheer frustration.

Our policies spill out onto screens so dense that no one pauses to read – nor would it matter if one did. Much of it is unverifiable and most of our days are too short on time.

Our org charts are on every about us page known to the internet but do they actually help us? Some are actually fake and those are before OpenAI gave us Sam Altman or vice versa, I can’t tell anymore. If someone codes an algorithm, isn’t it going to reflect their – everything? It cannot be unbiased and we know that from some of the women who told us.

Strap in folks, we’re headed for some weird times. Don’t forget we’re all here, for each other, there is no god waiting somewhere else for us, it is us, we are that as long as anyone believes this guy knows of ‘god‘. Nope, no fucking way. Not when so many good guys are gone. He – god is always he – is you guys*, how about that?

RIP: Don, Sarah, Scott, CT