On my walk yesterday, I noticed things as usual. A Dunder Mifflin sticker, a few license plates, street signs and flowers. I stopped to smell blooms of all kinds. Said hello to a handful of other humans walking around the neighborhood.

The level of chaos and dysfunction where I work now makes me want to quit without a backup plan. I’ve done it before but I’m trying to stick it out for the money. I know it’s bullshit but I don’t feel like there are many options. It’s a privileged way to live. So I’ll be taking more walks, smelling more flowers, playing and listening to more music.

It’s tiring to have to push against the dead weight of dysfunction. I know 2+2=4 even though some would have you believe 2+2=fucking sneaker.
Yes. It’s that bad. It’s also sad because when dysfunction like this is allowed to exist not to mention fester, the good people constantly leave.
I’m going to look for a way to teach, no fucking boot camp bullshit, community college seems like it’d be a good direction. Huge pay cut. But I like helping students learn and I’ve been told I’m pretty good at it so maybe I’ll be the one leaving next.
I’d say “I hope so” but hope is just another four letter word and it sure as fuck ain’t a strategy or a tactic.
Good luck to humanity. And me.